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Herbie's Donut Mat - Herbie's Audio Lab

Herbie's Donut Mat

Regular price
From $33.19
Sale price
From $33.19
Quantity must be 1 or more

Firm elastomer "donut" is a great record/platter interface for Raven AC, Verdier Platine, and other turntables that typically do not use a platter mat. Standard .81mm-thick mat has sufficient body/weight that it stays in position on the platter and records lift right off. Herbie's Donut is also handy to use instead of awkward-to-use shims and to avoid adjusting VTA between records: just place on top of your present mat when you need a height boost for thin records, take it off for use with thick records.


  • Outside diameter: 280mm (11") Inside diameter 108mm (4.25")
  • Thickness: .81mm (.032") or optional .5mm
  • Optional spindle washer allows use of record clamp.